2019 SCHMUCKISMUS, Angelika Nollert (ed.), Arnoldsche Art Publishers, ISBN 978-3-89790-551-1 (exhibition cat.)
2019 Meeting Point, Orimattila Art Museum (exhibition cat.)
2018 4th Triple Parade, Biennale for Contemporary Jewellery (exhibition cat.)
2018 Elle Luit, WCC-BF, ISBN 978-2-87536-030-4 (exhibition cat.)
2017 Marzee Magazine #106
2016 Hibernate – book of three Finnish jewellery artists, published by Hibernate (Tarja Tuupanen, Helena Lehtinen, Eija Mustonen) ISBN 978-952-93-6671-2
2016 Open Space – Mind Maps, Ellen Maurer Zilioli (ed.), Arnoldsche Art Publishers (exhibiton cat.)
2016 2006-2015 A.I.R. Collection, Jakob Bengel – Stiftung Idar Oberstein, pblicaton about residence participants
2015 Body Alchemy, Hangzhou Contemporary InternationalJewelry & Metal Arts Triennial 2015 (exhibition cat.)
2015 Artist interview by AJF ,18th March 2015, (web article in English)
2015 Artist interview by ½ lehti, 4th of March 2015,(web article in Finnish)
2014 Itsenäisyyden ajan suomalainen koru, Tammi, ISBN 978-951-31-7830-7 (interview)
2012 Ashes and Diamonds, HUMAK (exhibition cat.)
2011 The Spirit of Stone, Saimaa University of Applied Scienses, ISBN 978-952-5714-47-0 (interview)
2011 The Ring – Jewel Forever, Galleria Hnoss, (exhibition cat.)
2009 KORU 3, Saimaa University of Applied Scienses (exhibition cat.) ISBN 978-952-5714-21-0
2010 KORURAL, Finnish jewellery in Ural, Saimaa University of Applied Scienses (exhibition cat.)
2009 The Compendium Finale of Contemporary Jewellers 2008, Darling publications
2007 Baltic Jewellery News 11/2007 (interview)
2007 Exhibition in Print, Metalsmith Magazine 4/2007
2007 Kontti, korutaidetta, Korutaideyhdistys Ry (exhibition cat.)
2006 Kontti, suomalaista korutaidetta, Korutaideyhdistys Ry (exhibition cat.)
2006 Schmuck 2006 (exhibition cat.)
2005 Koru, Joieria Contemporània Finlandesa, Kaakkois-Suomen taidetoimikunta (exhibition cat.)
2004 Schmuck 2004 (exhibition cat.)
2004 Jewellery, The choise of the Europarliament, Galleria Marzee publicatons
2003 KORU I, South Carelia Polytechnic Publications, ISBN 952-5155-67-6 (exhibition cat.)
2003 Jewellery, Almere´s choise, Gallery Marzee publicatons
2001 Nocturnus, Estonia Academy of Arts (exhibition cat.)
2000 Marzee Magazine 14/2000